
There are two different types of migrations, database migrations and file migrations.

Database migrations

Database migrations are used to modify the database schema and data.

The status of the migrations is stored in database tables

php meteor.phar migrations:migrate

File migrations

File migrations are used to modify files, e.g. config files.

The status of file migrations is stored in a file on each server.

php meteor.phar file-migrations:migrate

Note: With a multiple server environment without a shared filesystem it is important to run the file migrations on all servers.


    "migrations": {
        "name": "CMS",
        "table": "JaduMigrations",
        "namespace": "Jadu\\Migrations",
        "directory": "migrations"

name (optional)

Defaults to: Migrations

table (required)

The table must be different for each product/module.

namespace (optional)

Defaults to: DoctrineMigrations

The namespace should be different for each product/module to avoid collisions when running multiple sets of migrations in a single patch.

directory (optional)

Defaults to: upgrades/migrations

Status of migrations

To view the status of migrations run the following command:

php meteor.phar migrations:status

Generating migrations

To generate a new migration class to be populated run the following command:

php meteor.phar migrations:generate